GhostCash.com is owned and operated by parent company TMM

By joining this program you certify you are at least 18 years old, or the minimum age required to view adult content in your state and country.

We reserve the right to deny any webmaster admittance into our program for any reason we consider necessary, including if the webmaster is located in a high fraud area.

TMM does NOT pay on hits from spamming, bulk E-mailing or any other fraudulent method. In the event that any of the above conditions exist, we will invalidate all current sales and terminate your account without notice. Let us say it again for effect: IF YOU ARE CAUGHT PROMOTING OUR SITES WITH SPAM, YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE TERMINATED, ALL AMOUNTS OWED WILL BE FORFEIT, AND WE WILL PURSUE LEGAL ACTION. Spamming consists of but is not limited to sending Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE), instant messages, ICQ messaging, yahoo PM's, or chat room hot linking.

TMM does not cooperate with bit-torrent websites. Any promotion coming from websites related to torrents is strictly forbidden. We reserve the right to immediately terminate any account related to copyright infringement. Copyright infringement includes any content that is not specifically released as promotional content by the program. When in doubt, contact us. Do not assume a submission is legal without our explicit authorization. At our discretion we may withhold payments, terminate account, or reduce payments.

You may create and use your own text links and banners to promote our site as long as they are not misleading. Contact us if you have any questions.

You will not use any of our promotional materials or content (ie: free galleries, banners, etc.) to promote another site.

You MAY NOT hotlink our banners. They must be hosted on your server.

TMM does not accept sites that endorse: child pornography, bestiality, warez, mp3 and password selling or trading. Any hits and/or sales sent from sites like these will not be paid.

We reserve the right to terminate any account and decline funds for any participant who is partaking in illegal and/or improper activities. These include but are not limited to: fraudulent credit card activity, promotional methods outside those described throughout our site, newsgroup spamming and unsolicited email. We have zero tolerance for these activities and will provide full disclosure to federal and international agencies investigating fraudulent activities.

TMM will terminate any account who exploits the owner's previous legal conflicts. If you mention it, or link to anything related, your account will be terminated.

TMM pays affiliates once a month AFTER the $200.00 minimum payout has been reached. Affiliates forfeit payments after 6 months if unclaimed. All United States based affiliates must provide the government required w9 prior to first payment.

TMM will not be held responsible for loss due to down times resulting from complications with hosting equipment or technical errors as this is the internet and you know as well as we do that things happen.

We are not responsible for the content on your website or servers.

We reserve the right to cancel this program at any time for any reason we find suitable. If any of these terms are violated, your account will be terminated.

We reserve the right to publish the webmaster username of all contest winners if contest winners refuse to have their first name and initial printed.

We reserve the right, at any time, to change or modify our webmaster program and/or our membership site.

Terminated accounts cannot later apply to the Program without our express written consent. If your account has been terminated for any reason all images must be removed from your sites immediately.

By completing your application to join you are agreeing to these terms.

All intellectual property rights are retained by TMM.

The Model Releases are held by TMM. All of the models were over or at the legal age of 18 years old at the time that the video and/or photographs were taken. The models gave their consent to the publication of the content concerned.

All records required by Title 18 USC Sec. 2257, are in custody of: T.M.M., 4590 DEODAR ST, SILVER SPRINGS, NV 89429